Employment LawENG

A comprehensive publication providing a full overview of employment law for both agreements and disputes. Confidently advise clients on their options.

2 Matter Plans


The publication comprises two useful guides to assist practitioners with representing employer and employee clients, from document drafting to employment tribunals.

 The commentaries include guidance on:

  • contracts of employment, human resources, policies and procedures, transfer of undertakings, redundancy and unfair and wrongful dismissal.
  • conciliation, mediation and arbitration in the employee/employer relationship.
  • law and procedure relating to employment tribunals, including the Employment Appeal Tribunal.

 Useful precedents include:

  • Employment agreements including individual, executive and casual
  • Non-employment agreements including contractor agreements and service agreements
  • Disciplinary precedents including investigation plans
  • Various unfair dismissal precedents – acting for employer and employee
  • Settlements agreements for termination of employment and redundancy
  • All the necessary employment tribunal forms with example content

Ready To Use Resources

Choose from ready-to-use legal documents within this Publication.

  • Unlimited access across all devices

  • Practical and up-to-date

  • Comprehensive library of legal precedents and forms

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2 Matter Plans Included

  • Bylawyers
    ALERTS - Nil

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  • Bylawyers
    Full Commentary - Employment

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  • Bylawyers
    “The relationship between employer and employee is a legal relationship that can be distinguished from other affiliations, such as principal and contractor, or principal and agent. At the heart of the employment relationship is the wage-work bargain where an employee sells their labour in exchange ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Further information

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  • Bylawyers
    Comments and suggestions for By Lawyers

    This excerpt is a preview of the full publication. You can Subscribe Now and gain immediate access to the complete publication.

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