Sale and Purchase of BusinessENG

The easy to follow procedures in this legal guide eliminate common issues, delays and disputes which might arise during the sale or purchase of a business or franchise.

2 Matter Plans


The easy to follow procedures in this legal guide eliminate common issues, delays and disputes which might arise during the sale or purchase of a business or franchise.

The precedents include our template contract of sale/ purchase, which covers all aspects of the transaction from pre-exchange vendor warranties and purchaser guarantees, to completion, and the transfer of all business assets, including copyright works, trade marks, supplier contracts, and so on.

The contract customises the competition restraints so they are enforceable, deals with the management of confidential information, binds the key people, deals with e-commerce, and the non-solicitation of staff and customers.

Prepared by lawyers with significant experience of business and franchise conveyancing, the  commentary compares business structures, sets out the tax implications, considers the status of the premises and any franchise sale or purchase agreement, explores the importance and detail of due diligence and disclosure, and discusses many other important issues affecting business sales.

Some popular precedents include:

  • Confidentiality agreement
  • Heads of agreement
  • Agreement of sale and purchase of a business
  • Library of special conditions
  • Deed of restraint – restrictive covenant
  • Licence of business name

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2 Matter Plans Included

  • Bylawyers
    ALERTS - Nil

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  • Bylawyers
    Full Commentary - Sale of Business

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  • Bylawyers
    “When considering the requirements for the sale of a business, it is critical to understand the structure of the business that is being sold. This will inform both the way the sale is to proceed and its tax consequences. In general a business will be conducted by a sole trader, a partnership or a ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Comments and suggestions for By Lawyers

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